Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Melaka, Malaysia

After very nearly missing our bus from Singapore we arrived in Melaka late on the Tuesday evening. Our very helpful bus driver decided he would try and drive his huge bus into Chinatown to try and find our hostel but I still have no idea where he dropped us! Word of warning about Melaka - everything shuts around 10pm, all the shops, hostels, everything. So by the time we managed to find our hostel it was shut and (rather alarmingly) padlocked. Luckily we bumped into an English guy who recommended a good place to stay and we crashed there. In the morning we explored Chinatown, hands down the best Chinatown I've been to - there were so many cool antiquey shops where we spent way too much money! My rucksack is twice as heavy now. We also visited the Cheng Hoon Teng Temple which is the oldest Chinese Temple in Malaysia and absolutely stunning. 

After lunch we went up to St Paul's Church. It was built by the Portuguese and then used by the British as a battle station but its only ruins now. There were lots of people selling things up there and we bought some really cool paintings of Melaka from a guy with possibly the best t-shirt I've ever seen. 

We headed back to the hostel on one of our gaudy trishaws to drop off our souvenirs and headed back out for the Malaysian classic drink of Cendol - coconut milk and palm sugar. Malaysia has the best food! Laksa is one of the most amazing thing I've ever tasted.  

Next stop - Kuala Lumpur! x

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