Friday, 2 August 2013

Classic Victoria Sponge Cake

Call me boring but Victoria sponge is my favourite kind of cake. Its classic, and you can indulge in one too many slices without slipping into a chocolate coma. The lovely people from Baking Mad (the people behind Allinson/Billington's/Silver Spoon etc) sent me some goodies so I thought I'd show you my all time favourite cake recipe.

For the cake:
- 6oz butter
- 6oz golden caster sugar
- 6oz self raising flour
- 1tsp baking powder
- 3 eggs, beaten

For the icing:
- 5oz butter
- 10oz icing sugar
- Freshly chopped strawberries

Preheat your oven to 180c and grease your baking tins. You can either use two to make a sandwich or one to make a nice big cake (the latter will be more moist). Cream the butter and sugar together in a large mixing bowl until light and fluffy and then add in the egg and beat until smooth. Slowly sieve the flour and baking powder into the mixture and fold in until all combined. And that's it - easy peasy! Either divide the mixture evenly between tins or whack all in one and cook for 20 minutes to 40 minutes depending on which one you've chosen. When it's done the top should be springy and a metal skewer should come out clean. Transfer the cake onto a wire rack and leave to cool. Meanwhile mix the icing sugar and butter together to make buttercream - if you find that it's a bit stiff add a splash of milk. Pour some boiling water in a jug and soak a metal palette knife, this will make it way easier to spread the icing. Put a dollop in the middle of the cake and spread to the edges. Pile the strawberries on top.

Hope you enjoy - head over to Baking Mad for more recipe tips and inspiration. x


  1. Nice recipe. I'd like to try although I haven't had much luck with baking cakes >.<


  2. Don't worry, you're not mad, everyone loves a good victoria sponge!! A classic is never boring

    Teffy || Teffys Perks Blog

