Thursday, 15 May 2014

The Joint, SW9

Let me take you to a little place I know: Brixton Village. Okay... so in reality it's not that little and definitely not a secret. It is, however a buzzing hub of the most incredible street food I've ever seen. Cheese and champagne, crispy pizzas and juicy Chinese dumplings are just some of the delights you can find but my personal favourite is this tiny pop-up outlet called The Joint.

After navigating our way through the market maze, Rich & I squeezed onto the end of a table and tucked into the menu. First up was the sweetcorn with a delicious BBQ butter...

Then we dived into pork ribs, covered with a sticky, sweet sauce. Incredible...

Next Rich ordered the hot wings which is where things got a little dicey. They even look scary don't they? I tried one and had to do an emergency dash to the cafe next door to get some sugar (trust me, it works).

Tastebuds cooled down, we finally we shared the BBQ 16-hour pulled pork in a homemade sourdough bun...

Do I even need to say anything else? This burger changed my life.

Saturday, 10 May 2014

New Beginnings

Why hello! Long time no speak. I am writing this from the comfort of my new bed (complete with duck feather duvet and pillows, thank you mum) because I have moved! Finally! Into London and everything like a proper grown-up. I moved about a month ago, having found the perfect flat and perfect flatmates on and have been wanting to share these photos for ages but it took Sky this long to install the internet. I tried to be scrupulous about what I brought with me but as I excitedly unpacked boxes that had been in the attic since uni that sort of went out the window. Come take a look around...

Jars from Joy and RHS Wisley
Bowl from Urban Outfitters

Wooden stag trophy from
Necklaces from H&M, Urban Outffiters & Topshop
Sunglasses from ASOS

Print and  flower garland from 

Pastel box table from Ikea

Elephant print from Bangkok
Chunky black frame from Dunelm Mill

With the 3 hour round commute to work finally behind me hopefully this is the start of lots of brand new adventures. I'll keep you posted!